
민주당 국회의원 76인 ”국민의힘, 위성정당방지법 처리 적극 동참해야“

김충열 정치전문기자 l 기사입력 2023-12-08


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김상희 의원을 비롯한 더불어민주당 의원들이 8일 오후 국회 소통관에서 기자회견을  통해 “어제 더불어민주당 홍익표 원내대표는 정개특위 위원장과 민주당 간사에게 15일까지 위성정당 방지에 대한 제도 개선에 합의해 달라고 요구했다”며, “국민의힘은 정개특위 위성정당방지법 처리에 적극 참여하라”고 촉구했다. 


민주당 국회의원 76인은  “이처럼 선거제도 개혁에 대한 국민의힘 입장 어디에도 ‘진정으로 국민이 바라는 정치개혁’은 없다”며,  “국민의힘에게 선거제도는 오로지 이기기만 하면 되는 운동경기나 도박 같은 것이냐”고 따져 물었다.   © 김충열 정치전문기자


이들 의원들은 “만약 그때까지 합의가 안 되면, 그에 따른 민주당의 판단을 다시 한번 해야 할 시점이라고 밝히며, 국힘의 전향적인 태도를 촉구한다”고 강조했다. 


이어 “앞서 우리 민주당은 의원총회를 열어 장시간 선거제도 개편 방향에 대한 진지한 논의를 진행했다. 그리고 지난 총선에서 국민을 실망시켰던 위성정당 설립이 결코 반복되어서는 안 된다는 데 다수 의원의 공감이 있었다.”며, “민주당은 위성정당방지법을 추진하겠다고 이미 공언한 바도 있다”고 국힘의 동참을 촉구했다. 


아울러 “국민의힘은 병립형 회귀를 언급하며, 현행 선거제도가 유지될 경우 위성정당을 다시 설립할 의향을 내비치고 있다”며, “이제 여당인 국민의힘이 답해야 한다”고 거듭 촉구했다. 


이들은 “이처럼 선거제도 개혁에 대한 국민의힘 입장 어디에도 ‘진정으로 국민이 바라는 정치개혁’은 없다”며, “국민의힘에게 선거제도는 오로지 이기기만 하면 되는 운동경기나 도박 같은 것이냐”고 따져 물었다. 


이어 “국회는 정개특위를 중심으로 선거제 개혁을 위한 적극적 공론화 과정을 펼쳐왔다. 지난 3월,‘국회의원 선거제도 개선에 관한 결의안’을 채택하여 전원위원회를 개최했다”며, “나흘동안 무려 100명의 국회의원이 토론에 참여한 역사적인 일이었다. 또한, 5월에는 국민 공론조사를 실시했고, 500명 시민참여단의 숙의토론은 전국에 생중계되기도 했다”고 설명했다. 


아울러 “지난 1월 여야 130여 명의 의원들이 함께 모여 <초당적 정치개혁 의원모임>을 출범했고, 수차례의 간담회, 토론회 등을 통해 심도 깊은 고민을 진행했다”며, “하지만 지난 1년간의 이러한 노력은 모두 물거품처럼 사라지고 국민은 아랑곳하지 않은 채 오직 자신들의 유불리에만 급급한 여당의 모습에, 실망을 금할 수가 없다”고 비판했다.


최근 실시된 여론조사 결과, 위성정당 금지법 찬성 의견이 53.7%로 반대인 31.5%보다 훨씬 높은 것으로 나타났다. 뿐만 아니라 준연동형 비례제를 합헌으로 결정한 헌법재판소 역시 “위성정당의 설립을 방지하는 제도적 장치가 필요하다”라고 지적한 바 있다. 


위성장당 방지법을 추진하는 민주당 의원들은 “국민의힘은 이런 목소리에 귀 기울여 정개특위에서 적극적으로 위성정당 방지법 논의에 나서야 한다”며, “국민의힘 김기현 대표와 윤재옥 원내대표에게 전달하고, 위성정당 방지법 통과를 강력 촉구했다. 


한편, 위성장당 방지법에 찬성한 국회의원들은 강민정·강준현·강훈식·고영인·고용진·권인숙·기동민·김경만·김두관·김민기·김민철·김상희·김성환·김수흥·김영주·김의겸·김종민·김한규·김한정·김홍걸·맹성규·문정복·문진석·민병덕·민형배·박광온·박영순·서동용·송갑석·송재호·신영대·신정훈·양이원영·오영환·우원식·유기홍·유정주·윤건영·윤영덕·윤영찬·윤재갑·윤준병·이상헌·이소영·이수진·이수진·이용빈·이용선·이용우·이원욱·이원택·이장섭·이정문·이탄희·이학영·이해식·이형석·인재근·임호선·장철민·전용기·전재수·전해철·전혜숙·정필모·조오섭·조응천·진선미·최인호·최혜영·허숙정·허영·허종식·홍기원·홍영표·황운하 총 76인이 동참하고 있다.


* 아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.

*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.


76 Democratic Party members of the National Assembly said, “The People Power Party should actively participate in the Special Committee on Political Reform’s passage of the Satellite Political Party Prevention Act.”

The establishment of a satellite political party that disappointed the people must not be repeated... The ruling party, the People Power Party, must respond.


Representative Kim Sang-hee and other members of the Democratic Party of Korea held a press conference at the National Assembly Communication Hall on the afternoon of December 8th, saying, “Yesterday, Democratic Party of Korea floor leader Hong Ik-pyo asked the chairman of the Special Committee on Political Reform and the Democratic Party secretary to agree on improving the system to prevent satellite political parties by the 15th. He said, “The People Power Party should actively participate in the Special Committee on Political Reform’s handling of the Satellite Political Party Prevention Act.”


These lawmakers emphasized, “If an agreement is not reached by then, it is time for the Democratic Party to make its own judgment again, and we urge the national power to take a forward-looking attitude.”


He continued, “Previously, our Democratic Party held a general meeting of members and held a serious discussion on the direction of reforming the election system for a long time. “And the majority of lawmakers agreed that the establishment of satellite political parties, which disappointed the people in the last general election, should never be repeated,” he said, adding, “The Democratic Party has already announced that it will push for a law to prevent satellite political parties,” urging national power to join in. did.


In addition, he repeatedly urged, “The People Power Party is referring to a parallel return and is showing its intention to re-establish a satellite party if the current electoral system is maintained,” and “Now the ruling party, the People Power Party, must respond.” .


They said, “There is no ‘political reform that the people truly want’ anywhere in the People Power Party’s stance on electoral system reform,” and asked, “For the People Power Party, is the electoral system like a sports game or gambling where all you have to do is win?” .


He continued, “The National Assembly has been carrying out an active public discussion process for electoral system reform, centered on the Special Committee on Political Reform. “Last March, we adopted the ‘Resolution on Improving the National Assembly Election System’ and held a plenary committee meeting,” he said. “It was a historic event in which as many as 100 National Assembly members participated in the discussion over four days. In addition, a public opinion survey was conducted in May, and the deliberative discussion of the 500-member citizen participation group was broadcast live nationwide,” he explained.


In addition, he said, “Last January, about 130 lawmakers from both the ruling and opposition parties gathered together to launch the ‘Bipartisan Political Reform Legislative Group,’ and conducted in-depth consideration through several meetings and debates.” He added, “However, these issues over the past year have “I cannot help but be disappointed by the ruling party’s focus on its own advantages and disadvantages, with all efforts disappearing in vain and paying no attention to the people,” he criticized.


The results of a recent public opinion poll showed that 53.7% of people supported the ban on satellite political parties, much higher than the 31.5% who opposed it. In addition, the Constitutional Court, which decided that the semi-linked proportional system was constitutional, also pointed out that “an institutional mechanism is needed to prevent the establishment of satellite parties.”


Democratic Party lawmakers who are pushing for a law to prevent satellite political parties said, “The People Power Party must listen to these voices and actively discuss the law to prevent satellite political parties at the Special Committee on Government and Government Affairs.” He strongly urged the passage of a prevention law.


Meanwhile, the members of the National Assembly who supported the satellite site prevention law were Kang Min-jeong, Kang Jun-hyun, Kang Hoon-sik, Go Young-in, Ko Yong-jin, Kwon In-sook, Ki Dong-min, Kim Gyeong-man, Kim Doo-gwan, Kim Min-gi, Kim Min-cheol, Kim Sang-hee, Kim Seong-hwan, Kim Su-heung, Kim Young-ju, Kim Eui-gyeom, Kim Jong-min, Kim Han-gyu, Kim Han-jeong, and Kim Hong-gul. · Maeng Seong-gyu, Moon Jeong-bok, Moon Jin-seok, Min Byeong-deok, Min Hyeong-bae, Park Gwang-on, Park Young-soon, Seo Dong-yong, Song Gap-seok, Song Jae-ho, Shin Young-dae, Shin Jeong-hoon, Yang Lee Won-young, Oh Young-hwan, Woo Won-sik, Yoo Ki-hong, Yu Jeong-ju, Yoon Geon-yeong, Yoon Young-deok, Yoon Young-chan, Yoon Jae-gap, Yoon Jun-byeong, Lee Sang-heon, Lee So-young ·Lee Su-jin, Lee Su-jin, Lee Yong-bin, Lee Yong-seon, Lee Yong-woo, Lee Won-wook, Lee Won-taek, Lee Jang-seop, Lee Jeong-moon, Lee Tan-hee, Lee Hak-young, Lee Hae-sik, Lee Hyeong-seok, In Jae-geun, Lim Ho-seon, Jang Cheol-min, Jeon Yong-gi, Jeon Jae-su, Jeon Hae-cheol, Jeon Hye-sook, Jeong Pil-mo, Jo Oh-seop, Jo Eung-cheon, Jin Seon-mi ·A total of 76 people are participating, including Choi In-ho, Choi Hye-young, Heo Suk-jeong, Heo Young, Heo Jong-sik, Hong Ki-won, Hong Young-pyo, and Hwang Un-ha.


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