
여수시청 요트팀 김창주·이경진·성시유 선수 국가대표 선발

이학철기자 l 기사입력 2024-05-14


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▲ 사진 왼쪽부터 470급 김창주·이경진 선수

전남 여수시청 직장운동경기부 요트팀 470급 김창주·이경진, ILCA7급 성시유가 2024년 국가대표로 최종 선발됐다.


14일 여수시에 따르면 지난 9~13일까지 닷새간 경남 창원시 마리나항 일원에서 국가대표선발전을 겸해 치러진 ‘제22회 해군참모총장배 전국요트대회’에서 김창주·이경진이 470급(혼성 2인승) 1위, 성시유가 ILCA7급 2위를 차지했다.


지난 3월 ‘21회 해양경찰청장배 전국요트대회’에서 1위를 차지했던 470급 김창주·이경진은 이번에도 월등한 실력으로 금메달을 획득하며 국내 최강자임을 다시한번 입증했다.


▲ 사진 왼쪽 ILCA7급 성시유 선수

또 ILCA7급 성시유는 19세의 어린 나이도 불구하고 매 대회마다 향상된 실력을 보이며 성장한 결과, 이번 대회에서 2위로 선전하며 태극마크를 달았다.


진홍철 여수시청 요트팀 감독은 “우리 선수들이 꾸준히 훈련한 결과가 국가대표 선발로 증명 된 듯하다”며 “선수들의 컨디션과 경기력을 종합적으로 점검하고 끌어올려 소속팀 경기는 물론 국가대표로도 좋은 성적을 낼 수 있도록 열심히 지도하겠다 ”고 소감을 전했다.


[아래는 구글로 번역한 영문기사 전문입니다. 영문번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. Below is the full English article translated by Google. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.]

Yeosu City Hall Yacht Team Kim Chang-ju, Lee Gyeong-jin, and Seong Si-yu selected for national team...Excellent performance at the 22nd Chief of Naval Staff Cup National Yacht Competition, which is also a national representative selection event.

Reporter Lee Hak-cheo


Jeollanam-do Yeosu City Hall Workplace Athletics Department's sailing team Kim Chang-ju and Lee Gyeong-jin of the 470 level and ILCA 7 level Sung Si-yu were finally selected as national representatives in 2024.


According to Yeosu City on the 14th, Kim Chang-ju and Lee Gyeong-jin took first place in the 470 class (mixed two-seater) at the '22nd Chief of Naval Staff Cup National Yacht Competition' held for five days from the 9th to the 13th in the Marina Port area of Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do as well as the national representative selection event. , Seong Si-yu took second place in ILCA 7 level.


Kim Chang-ju and Lee Gyeong-jin of the 470 class, who took first place at the ‘21st Korea Coast Guard Officer’s Cup National Yacht Competition’ last March, once again proved that they are the best in Korea by winning gold medals with their superior skills.


In addition, ILCA 7-level Seong Si-yu showed improvement in each competition despite his young age of 19, and as a result, he placed second in this competition and received the Taegeuk symbol.


Jin Hong-cheol, coach of the Yeosu City Hall yacht team, said, “The results of our players’ consistent training seem to have been proven by being selected for the national team.” He added, “By comprehensively checking and improving the players’ condition and performance, they achieved good results not only in their own team’s competition but also as a national team member. “I will work hard to guide you so that you can achieve it,” he said.

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