윤석열 대통령과 부인 김건희 여사가 15일 고 육영수 여사 서거 50주기를 맞아 국립서울현충원을 찾아 육영수 여사 묘역을 참배했다고 대통령실이 전했다.
이날 오전 윤 대통령은 참배를 마치고 방명록에 "국민들의 어진 어머니 역할을 해주신 육 여사님을 우리는 지금도 잊지 않고 있습니다"라고 남기며 육 여사의 국민을 향한 사랑·헌신을 기렸다고 정혜전 대통령실 대변인이 오전 서면브리핑에서 전했다.
그러면서 "광복절 경축식이 열리는 같은 시간 국립서울현충원에서 육영수 여사 서거 50주기 추도식이 열린다는 소식을 듣고 윤 대통령 부부는 미리 육영수 여사 모역을 찾은 것"이라고 설명했다.
또 "윤 대통령 부부는 묵념으로 어려운 분들과 어린이 등 이웃을 세심히 챙기던 육 여사를 추도했다"며 "대통령실 수석 전원이 참배에 함께 했다"고 전했다.
윤 대통령은 지난 2월 현직 대통령으로선 처음 충북 옥천 육 여사 생가를 방문했고 지난 대통령 경선후보 시절에도 육 여사 생가를 찾아 참배한 바 있다.
윤 대통령 내외는 묘소 앞에 기다리고 있는 유족 박지만 회장과 만나 인사를 나눈 후 묘소에 헌화 및 분향하고 묵념으로 어려운 분들과 어린이 등 이웃들을 세심히 챙기던 육 여사를 추도했다.
윤 대통령은 잠시 묘소를 둘러본 후 걸어 내려오며 박 회장에게 "육영수 여사님이 돌아가신 날을 생생하게 기억한다"며 육 여사를 함께 추모했고 김 여사는 박 회장 가족들 안부를 물었다.
이날 참배엔 박 회장을 비롯 육영수여사기념사업회 김원배 이사장·김종호ㆍ박선민 이사·대통령실 정진석 비서실장·신원식 국가안보실장·성태윤 정책실장·홍철호 정무수석·이도운 홍보수석·김주현 민정수석·전광삼 시민사회수석 등 수석급 이상 참모진 전원이 참석했다.
앞서 전날 윤 대통령은 박근혜 전 대통령과 전화 통화를 갖고 안부를 건넸다. 윤 대통령은 먼저 박 전 대통령에게 "허리통증과 건강은 어떠신지"라고 물었고, 박 전 대통령은 "통원 치료 중이고 크게 불편한 점은 없다"고 말했다.
윤 대통령 내외의 육 여사 묘역 참배에 감사의 뜻을 전한 박 전 대통령에게 윤 대통령은 "박 대통령님이 늘 힘이 돼 주셔서 감사하다"며 "더위가 가시고 나면 서울 올라오실 때 관저에 오셔서 식사하면서 국정운영에 대한 조언을 구하고 싶다"고 말했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
President Yoon Seok-yeol and his wife visit the grave of the late First Lady Yuk Young-soo... Talked to former President Park Geun-hye the day before
Visiting the National Seoul Cemetery to pay tribute to the 50th anniversary of the death of Mrs. Koo.. In the guestbook, "We still have not forgotten Mrs. Koo, who played the role of a good mother to the people."
-kihong Kim reporter
The presidential office reported that President Yoon Seok-yeol and his wife Kim Keon-hee visited the grave of the late Mrs. Yuk Young-soo at the National Cemetery in Seoul on the 15th to mark the 50th anniversary of her death.
On the morning of that day, President Yoon paid his respects in the guestbook after paying his respects, saying, “We still have not forgotten Mrs. Yuk, who played the role of a good mother to the people,” and paid tribute to her love and devotion to the people, presidential office spokesperson Jeong Hye-jeon reported in a written briefing that morning.
He explained, “After hearing that the 50th anniversary memorial service for the late Mrs. Yuk Young-soo would be held at the National Cemetery in Seoul at the same time as the Liberation Day celebration, President Yoon and his wife visited the grave site of Mrs. Yuk in advance.”
He also said, “President Yoon and his wife paid their respects to Mrs. Yuk, who took great care of the underprivileged and children, and other neighbors, with a moment of silence,” and “All senior presidential office officials attended the visit.”
President Yoon visited the birthplace of Mrs. Yuk in Okcheon, Chungcheongbuk-do, for the first time as a sitting president in February, and also visited the birthplace of Mrs. Yuk when he was a presidential candidate.
President Yoon and his wife met with the bereaved family, Chairman Park Ji-man, who was waiting in front of the grave, and exchanged greetings. They then laid flowers and incense at the grave and paid silent tribute to Mrs. Yuk, who took great care of the needy and children, and paid tribute to her neighbors.
After briefly looking around the grave, President Yoon walked down and said to Chairman Park, “I vividly remember the day Mrs. Yuk Young-soo passed away,” and together they paid tribute to Mrs. Yuk. Mrs. Kim asked about the well-being of Chairman Park’s family.
On this day, all senior-level staff members attended the visit, including Chairman Park, Chairman Kim Won-bae of the Memorial Foundation for First Lady Yuk Young-soo, Directors Kim Jong-ho and Park Seon-min, Chief of Staff to the President Jeong Jin-seok, Director of the National Security Office Shin Won-sik, Director of the Policy Office Seong Tae-yoon, Senior Secretary for Political Affairs Hong Cheol-ho, Senior Secretary for Public Relations Lee Do-woon, Senior Secretary for Civil Affairs Kim Joo-hyun, and Senior Secretary for Civil Society Jeon Gwang-sam.
Earlier, the day before, President Yoon had a phone call with former President Park Geun-hye and exchanged greetings. President Yoon first asked former President Park, “How is your back pain and health?” and former President Park responded, “I am receiving outpatient treatment and do not have any major discomfort.”
In response to former President Park’s gratitude for President Yoon and his wife’s visit to the grave of First Lady Yuk, President Yoon said, “I am grateful that President Park has always been a source of strength,” and added, “When the heat subsides, I would like to come to Seoul and ask for advice on state affairs while having a meal at the official residence.”