브레이크뉴스 문홍철 기자= 올해 의료·간호·보건·의약 부분의 대졸 신입 채용이 활발할 것으로 전망되는 반면, 식음료와 운수쪽 채용은 저조할 것으로 조사됐다.
13일 인크루트에 따르면 대기업 88곳, 중견기업 134곳, 중소기업 488곳 등 총 710곳을 대상으로 설문조사를 진행한 결과, 올해 대졸 신입사원 채용이 가장 활발할 것으로 예상되는 업종은 ‘의료·간호·보건·의약(89.1%)’이었다.
2022년 53.7%에서 2023년 84.2%로 큰 폭으로 올랐다가 올해 4.9%p 더 상승했다. 최근 지역필수의사제 도입, 의대 정원 확대 등 의료분야 채용에 대한 논의가 활발한 만큼 채용계획을 긍정적으로 세운 기업이 늘어난 것으로 분석된다.
다음으로 ‘자동차 및 부품(88.2%)’이었다. 해당 업종은 2023년(88.8%)에 비해 0.6%p 줄었으나 채용계획률 상위권을 유지했다. 지난해 국내 자동차와 부품 수출 호조가 대졸 신입 채용에 긍정적인 영향을 미친 것으로 보인다.
이어 ‘미디어·방송·광고’와 ‘의류·신발·기타제조’가 나란히 80.8%의 채용계획률을 보였다. 두 업종 모두 2023년에 작년 대비 각 29.0%p, 22.2%p 상승 후 올해까지 상승세를 이어가고 있다.
계속해서 80% 이상의 채용계획률을 보인 업종은 ‘정유·화학·섬유(80.6%)’였으며, △에너지(77.8%) △IT·정보통신·게임 (77.1%) △교육·강의(75.9%) △예술·스포츠(72.7%) △여행·숙박·항공(70.6%) 업종에서 70% 이상의 채용계획률을 보였다.
반면, 올해 비교적 낮은 채용계획률을 보인 업종은 △물류·유통(68.6%) △전자·반도체(68.2%) △기계·금속·조선·중공업(66.7%) △건설·토목·부동산·임대업(55.8%) △금융·보험(51.5%)이었고, 가장 낮은 업종은 △식음료(51.3%) △운수(42.9%)였다.
작년 동일조사 대비 올해 채용계획률이 큰 폭으로 오른 업종은 ‘예술·스포츠’로 2023년 동일조사 대비 각각 28.3%p 올랐다. 해당 업종은 코로나 이후 저조한 채용계획률이 지속되었으나 각종 예술 공연, 스포츠 경기 등이 활성화되면서 대졸 신입 채용을 재개한 것으로 보인다.
반대로, 채용계획률이 가장 많이 하락한 업종은 ‘운수'로 2023년 동일조사 대비 38.4%p 하락했다. 2023년 작년 대비 26.8%p로 크게 상승했기 때문에 올해 채용계획을 소극적으로 잡은 것으로 분석된다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
This year’s weather map for hiring new college graduates is ‘clear’ for medical services and ‘cloudy’ for food and beverages and transportation.
Break News Reporter Moon Hong-cheol= While the hiring of new college graduates in the medical, nursing, public health, and pharmaceutical sectors is expected to be active this year, hiring in the food and beverage and transportation sectors is expected to be low.
According to Incruit on the 13th, a survey was conducted on a total of 710 companies, including 88 large companies, 134 mid-sized companies, and 488 small and medium-sized companies, and the results showed that the industries expected to be most active in hiring new college graduates this year are 'medical, nursing, and public health.' ·Medicine (89.1%)’.
It rose significantly from 53.7% in 2022 to 84.2% in 2023, then rose further by 4.9% points this year. As there has been recent active discussion on recruitment in the medical field, such as the introduction of the regional essential doctor system and expansion of medical school seats, it is analyzed that the number of companies that have made positive recruitment plans has increased.
Next was ‘Automobiles and Parts (88.2%)’. The industry decreased by 0.6 percentage points compared to 2023 (88.8%), but maintained the top spot in the hiring plan rate. Last year's robust exports of domestic automobiles and parts appear to have had a positive effect on hiring new college graduates.
Next, ‘Media, Broadcasting, Advertising’ and ‘Clothing, Shoes, Other Manufacturing’ both showed a hiring plan rate of 80.8%. Both industries are continuing their upward trend until this year after rising by 29.0%p and 22.2%p, respectively, compared to last year in 2023.
The industries that continued to show a hiring plan rate of over 80% were 'oil refining, chemicals, and textiles (80.6%)', △energy (77.8%) △IT, information and communication, and games (77.1%) △education and lectures (75.9%). △Arts/Sports (72.7%) △Travel/Accommodation/Aviation (70.6%) industries showed a hiring plan rate of over 70%.
On the other hand, the industries that showed a relatively low recruitment plan rate this year were △Logistics and distribution (68.6%) △Electronics and semiconductors (68.2%) △Machinery, metal, shipbuilding and heavy industry (66.7%) △Construction, civil engineering, real estate and rental (55.8%) %) △Finance and Insurance (51.5%), and the lowest industries were △Food and Beverage (51.3%) and △Transportation (42.9%).
The industry that saw a significant increase in the hiring plan rate this year compared to the same survey last year was ‘Arts and Sports’, which each increased by 28.3 percentage points compared to the same survey in 2023. The industry continued to have a low recruitment planning rate after the coronavirus pandemic, but appears to have resumed hiring new college graduates as various art performances and sports games become more active.
On the contrary, the industry with the largest decline in recruitment plan rate was ‘transportation’, which fell by 38.4% points compared to the same survey in 2023. It is analyzed that this year's recruitment plan has been set passively because it has increased significantly by 26.8%p in 2023 compared to last year.