윤석열 대통령이 1일 이진숙 신임 방송통신위원장에게 임명장을 수여했다.
윤 대통령은 이날 오후 용산 대통령실 2층 자유홀에서 열린 수여식에서 이 위원장에게 임명장을 건넨 후 "고생 많으십니다"며 악수하고 목례했다.
이어 참석한 이 위원장 배우자에게도 꽃다발을 건네며 "잘 좀 도와주십시오"라고 당부 했다.
이후 윤 대통령·이 위원장은 기념촬영을 한데 이어 이 위원장·배우자와도 함께 촬영 후 환담장으로 이동했다.
전날 윤 대통령은 이 위원장·김태규 상임위원을 임명한 가운데 방통위는 곧바로 소집된 전체회의에서 KBS·MBC 등 공영방송 이사 추천·선임안을 의결한 바 있다.
이 위원장은 김 부위원장과 함께 전체회의에서 KBS 여권 이사 7명에 대한 추천안·MBC 대주주 방송문화진흥회 여권 이사 6명 및 감사 1명에 대한 임명안을 의결했고, 윤 대통령은 방통위 추천 KBS 이사 7명 임명안을 재가했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
President Yoon Seok-yeol presents letter of appointment to Lee Jin-sook, chairman of the Korea Communications Commission... "Thank you for your hard work"
He also gave a bouquet of flowers to the spouse of the chairman who was present and asked, “Please help us.”
-kihong Kim reporter
President Yoon Seok-yeol presented the appointment letter to the new chairman of the Korea Communications Commission, Lee Jin-sook, on the 1st.
At the award ceremony held in the Freedom Hall on the second floor of the Presidential Office in Yongsan that afternoon, President Yoon handed Chairman Lee a letter of appointment, shook his hand, and bowed, saying, “Thank you for your hard work.”
He then gave a bouquet of flowers to Chairman Lee’s spouse, who was in attendance, and asked her, “Please help me out.”
Afterwards, President Yoon and Chairman Lee took a commemorative photo, and then took a photo with Chairman Lee and his spouse before moving to the meeting room.
The day before, President Yoon appointed Chairman Lee and Standing Committee Member Kim Tae-gyu, and the Korea Communications Commission immediately convened a plenary session to deliberate on the recommendation and appointment of directors of public broadcasting companies such as KBS and MBC.
The chairman, together with Vice Chairman Kim, passed the recommendation for seven KBS passport directors and the appointment of six passport directors and one auditor from the Broadcast Culture Promotion Association, a major shareholder of MBC, at the plenary session, and President Yoon approved the appointment of seven KBS directors recommended by the Korea Communications Commission.