
전남 치안 책임질 차기 ‘전남경찰 수장’ 누가되나

이학수기자 l 기사입력 2024-08-13


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▲ 왼쪽부터 모상묘 치안감, 손제한 치안감     


(무안=브레이크뉴스) 이학수 기자=차기 전남경찰청장에 모상묘 경기 분당경찰서장과 손제한 부산경찰청 수사부장이 거론되고 있다.


13일 브레이크뉴스 취재를 종합하면 경찰청은 지난 11일 전남자치경찰위원회에 신임 전남경찰청장 후보 2명의 명단을 전달한 것으로 확인됐다.


이에 전남도자치경찰위원회는 13일 오후 2시 회의를 열고 경찰청이 추천한 신임 전남경찰청장 후보 2명에 대한 적격심사를 진행할 예정이다.


후보군에 모상묘 (58·간부후보 42기) 경기남부청 분당경찰서장과 손제한 (55·경대 7기) 부산청 수사부장이다.


회의에 참석하는 자치경찰위원들은 후보 적합도 등을 따져 후보자를 경찰청에 의견을 전달하게 된다.


자치경찰제도가 시행되면서 시도경찰청장은 관련법에 따라 시도자치경찰위원회 협의를 거쳐 임명하고 있다.


모상묘 치안감은 전남 함평 학다리고등학교, 동국대학교 경찰행정학과를 졸업하고 경찰간부 42기로 임용됐다.


2016년 서울청 청문감사관실 감찰계장을 맡은 뒤 이듬해 총경으로 승진하여 경기남부청 안산상록경찰서장, 경찰청 경무담당관, 서울청 혜화경찰서장, 서울청 청문감사인권담당관을 거쳐 2023년 1월 경무관으로 승진돼 분당경찰서장을 맡고 있다..


손제한 치안감은 경남 밀양 출신으로 경찰대학 7기로 지난 1991년 경찰에 임관했다.


2014년 총경으로 승진 부산청 여성청소년과장, 경기북부청 일산경찰서장, 경찰청 특수수사과장, 서울청 양천경찰서장, 경찰청 수사과장, 경찰청 국가수사본부 반부패·공공범죄수사과장 등 을 거친 후 2021년 12월 경무관으로 승진해 경남청 창원중부서장과 부산청 수사부장을 맡고 있다.


한편 경찰은 이번주부터 치안정감, 치안감(지방 경찰청장 등), 경무관, 총경 등 고위직 인사를 잇따라 단행할 예정이다. 


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문] 입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.


Next ‘Jeonnam Police Chief?’ to be responsible for public safety in Jeonnam

The National Police Agency delivers a list of two candidates for the new police chief to the Jeonnam Autonomous Police Commission… Mo Sang-myo, Bundang Police Chief from Hampyeong, Jeonnam, and Son Je-han, Busan Police Agency Investigation Department Chief, are being mentioned as candidates for the next Jeonnam Police Chief.

According to a comprehensive Break News report on the 13th, it was confirmed that the National Police Agency delivered a list of two candidates for the new Jeonnam Police Chief to the Jeonnam Autonomous Police Commission on the 11th.

Accordingly, the Jeonnam Provincial Autonomous Police Commission will hold a meeting at 2:00 PM on the 13th and conduct a qualification review of the two candidates for the new Jeonnam Police Chief recommended by the National Police Agency.

The candidates include Mo Sang-myo (58, 42nd class of executive candidates), Gyeonggi Southern Police Agency Bundang Police Station Chief, and Son Je-han (55, 7th class of Kyungdae), Busan Police Agency Investigation Department Chief.

The autonomous police committee members attending the meeting will review the candidates' suitability, etc. and convey their opinions to the National Police Agency.

With the implementation of the autonomous police system, the provincial police chiefs are appointed after consultation with the provincial autonomous police committees in accordance with relevant laws.

Superintendent Mo Sang-myo graduated from Hampyeong Hakdari High School in Jeollanam-do and Dongguk University's Department of Police Administration, and was appointed as a 42nd class police officer.

After taking charge of the Inspection Division of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency's Hearing and Inspection Office in 2016, he was promoted to Superintendent General the following year and served as Chief of Ansan Sangnok Police Station in Gyeonggi Southern Police Agency, Chief of Police Affairs at the National Police Agency, Chief of Hyehwa Police Station in Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, and Hearing and Inspection Human Rights Officer at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency. He was promoted to Superintendent General in January 2023 and is now serving as Chief of Bundang Police Station.

Chief of Police Son Je-han is from Miryang, Gyeongsangnam-do and was commissioned as a police officer in 1991 as a member of the 7th class of the National Police University.

Promoted to Superintendent General in 2014, he served as Chief of Women and Youth Division at Busan Metropolitan Police Agency, Chief of Ilsan Police Station in Gyeonggi Northern Police Agency, Chief of Special Investigation Division at the National Police Agency, Chief of Yangcheon Police Station in Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, Chief of Investigation Division at the National Police Agency, and Chief of Anti-Corruption and Public Crime Investigation Division at the National Investigation Headquarters of the National Police Agency. He was promoted to Superintendent General in December 2021 and is currently serving as Chief of Changwon Central Police Station in Gyeongnam Metropolitan Police Agency and Chief of Investigation Division at Busan Metropolitan Police Agency.

Meanwhile, the police plan to carry out a series of high-ranking personnel changes starting this week, including the Chief of Police, Chief of Police (including the Chief of the Provincial Police Agency), Superintendent of Police, and Superintendent General.

원본 기사 보기:브레이크뉴스 전남


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