
"김용현 청문회, 방첩사령관-수도방위사령관-특전사령관과 비밀모임...해명” 촉구

김충열 정치전문기자 l 기사입력 2024-09-05


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국방위원회 더불어민주당・조국혁신당 국회의원 일동은 지난 9월 2일 김용현 국방부장관 후보자에 대한 인사청문회에서 저희는 “김용현 후보자가 경호처장 시절 한남동 공관에 방첩사령관, 수도방위사령관, 특전사령관 등 핵심 직위자들을 출입 기록이 남지 않도록 은밀하게 불렀는데 계엄을 위한 논의가 있었는가?”라고 질의했다“며, ”김용현 후보자는 방첩사령관, 수도방위사령관, 특전사령관과 공관 비밀 모임을 가졌는지 명확하게 해명하라!“고 촉구했다. 


국방위원 일동은 “만약 3개 사령부 사령관들이 국방부장관이나 합참의장에게 보고하지 않고 경호처장의 지시를 받고 모였다면, 이는 군의 지휘체계를 문란케 하는 중대한 사건이고 있을 수 없는 일이다. 모임 자체가 아주 불순한 의도가 있는 것으로 볼 수밖에 없다”고 직격 비판했다.   © 김충열 정치전문기자


국회 국방위원(민주당, 조국혁신당)일동은 5일 국회 소통관에서 기자회견을 통해 이같이 밝히며, “어제 김용현 후보자는 특정 언론을 통해 “3개 사령관 소속 부대는 경호 지원 부대로 대통령 경호와 밀접한 연관을 가지고 있다”고 진실을 호도하면서 정작 가장 중요한 “왜 업무시간이 아닌 때에 은밀하게 불렀는지”, “경호 목적이라면 다른 사람들은 왜 안 불렀는지”에 대한 답은 하지 못했다“고 지적했다.  


이들은 “만약 경호 목적이었다면 왜 이들을 업무시간에 부르지 않았는가? 대통령 경호안전대책위원회 규정에 명시된 다른 경호 지원 기관이나 부대는 왜 포함시키지 않았는가? 특전사령관은 대통령 경호안전대책위원회 구성원도 아닌데 왜 불렀는가”를 단도직입적으로 물었다. 


방첩사령관, 수도방위사령관, 특전사령관 3개 부대장을 은밀하게 부른 이유가 무엇인가?


이어 “방첩사령관, 수도방위사령관, 특전사령관이 갖는 공통점은 쿠데타에 꼭 필요한 부대라는 것이다. 12・12를 기억하는가?”되물으며, “방첩사의 전신인 전두환의 보안사령부가 주도하고, 수경사 경비단이 배신하고, 특전사가 육본 벙커를 장악하면서 쿠데타가 완성되었다. 그런 핵심 3개 부대장을 은밀하게 부른 이유가 무엇이냐”고 따져 물었다,


방첩사령관, 수도방위사령관, 특전사령관은 경호처장 만나는 사실...직속상관에게 보고했는가?


아울러 “방첩사령관, 수도방위사령관, 특전사령관은 경호처장을 만나러 간다는 사실을 직속상관에게 보고했는가?”물으며, “국방장관, 합참의장, 육군참모총장! 휘하 핵심 지휘관들이 한꺼번에 경호처장을 만나러 간다는 보고를 받은 적 있는가?”를 날카롭게 물었다.  


이들은 “또한, 김용현 후보자는 실제로 군 핵심 3개 사령부 사령관들을 공관으로 불러 모았는지 여부에 대해 명확히 답변하지 않아 계엄 예비 논의를 한 것 아닌가 하는 국민적 의혹을 계속 키우고 있다”고 해명을 촉구했다.  


박선원 의원은 “손바닥으로 해를 가릴 수 없다. 만약 그날의 회동이 정상적인 경호 목적이었다면 김용현 후보자는 더 이상 진실을 은폐하지 말고 국민 앞에 떳떳하게, 누구를 언제 어디로 불러서 무슨 이야기를 했는지 공개해야 한다”고 촉구했다.  


아울러 “국방부는 경호처로부터 회동에 대한 협조가 있었는지, 참석 지시를 하였는지에 대해 명확한 근거를 제시해야 한다. 만약 근거가 없다면 군의 지휘체계를 무너뜨리는 불순한 의도라고밖에 볼 수 없다”고 날선 비판을 했다.  


국회 국방위원(민주당, 조국혁신당)일동은 “대통령은 이러한 의혹을 정치공세라고만 치부하지 말고, 의혹의 중심에 있는 김용현 후보자의 지명을 철회하라”며, “그것만이 국민적 의혹을 벗어나는 길이다”고 대내외에 천명했다. 


한편, 이날 기자회견에 뜻을 함께 한 의원들은 김병주, 김민석, 박범계, 박선원, 박찬대, 부승찬, 안규백, 조국, 추미애, 허영, 황희 등이다. 


* 아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.


*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation. 


Kim Yong-hyun: “The Counterintelligence Commander, the Capital Defense Commander, and the Special Warfare Commander met secretly at the official residence… Clearly explain!”

President Yoon, withdraw the nomination of candidate Kim Yong-hyun, who only raises suspicions!


On September 2, the National Defense Committee Democratic Party and Fatherland Innovation Party lawmakers questioned during the personnel hearing on the nominee for Minister of National Defense Kim Yong-hyun, “Did nominee Kim Yong-hyun secretly call key officials such as the Counterintelligence Commander, the Capital Defense Commander, and the Special Warfare Commander to the official residence in Hannam-dong so that no records of their visits were left? Was there any discussion about martial law?” and urged, “Candidate Kim Yong-hyun must clearly explain whether he had a secret meeting at the official residence with the Counterintelligence Commander, the Capital Defense Commander, and the Special Warfare Commander!”


The National Assembly Defense Committee (Democratic Party, Fatherland Innovation Party) held a press conference at the National Assembly Communication Center on the 5th and revealed this, pointing out that “Yesterday, candidate Kim Yong-hyun distorted the truth by saying through a certain media outlet that “the units under the three commanders are security support units and are closely related to the security of the president,” but failed to answer the most important questions, “Why did you call them secretly when it was not business hours?” and “If it was for security purposes, why didn’t you call other people?”


They asked directly, “If it was for security purposes, why didn’t you call them during business hours? Why didn’t you include other security support organizations or units specified in the Presidential Security and Safety Measures Committee regulations? Why did you call the Special Warfare Commander, who is not even a member of the Presidential Security and Safety Measures Committee?”


Why did you secretly call the three unit commanders, the Counterintelligence Commander, the Capital Defense Commander, and the Special Warfare Commander?


He then asked, “What the Counterintelligence Commander, Capital Defense Commander, and Special Warfare Commander have in common is that they are all units absolutely necessary for a coup. Do you remember 12/12?” and asked, “The Security Command, the predecessor of the Counterintelligence Command, led by Chun Doo-hwan, betrayed by the Capital Defense Command’s security unit, and the Special Warfare Command took control of the Army Headquarters bunker, completing the coup. Why did you secretly call in these three key unit commanders?”


Did the Counterintelligence Commander, Capital Defense Commander, and Special Warfare Commander report to their immediate superiors that they were meeting with the Chief of Security Service?


He also asked, “Did the Counterintelligence Commander, Capital Defense Commander, and Special Warfare Commander report to their immediate superiors that they were going to meet with the Chief of Security Service?” and sharply asked, “Minister of National Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Chief of Staff! Have you ever received a report that all your key commanders under your command were going to meet with the Chief of Security Service at the same time?”


The entire National Defense Committee directly criticized, “If the commanders of the three commanding units gathered under the direction of the chief of the security service without reporting to the Minister of National Defense or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, this is a serious incident that disrupts the military’s command system and cannot happen. The meeting itself can only be seen as having very impure intentions.”


They also urged an explanation, saying, “Candidate Kim Yong-hyun has not clearly answered the question of whether he actually called the commanders of the three key military commanding units to the official residence, which continues to raise public suspicions that he may have discussed martial law in advance.”


They continued, “You cannot hide the sun with your palm. If the meeting that day was for a normal security purpose, candidate Kim Yong-hyun should stop hiding the truth and openly disclose to the public who he called, when, where, and what was discussed.”


In addition, “The Ministry of National Defense must provide clear evidence as to whether there was cooperation from the security service regarding the meeting and whether he gave instructions to attend. If there is no basis, it can only be seen as an impure intention to destroy the military's command system," he said, sharply criticizing.


The National Assembly Defense Committee (Democratic Party, Fatherland Innovation Party) declared to the public and domestically, "The president should not dismiss these suspicions as mere political attacks, but withdraw the nomination of candidate Kim Yong-hyun, who is at the center of the suspicions," and "That is the only way to escape the national suspicions."


Meanwhile, the lawmakers who joined the press conference that day are Kim Byung-joo, Kim Min-seok, Park Beom-gye, Park Seon-won, Park Chan-dae, Boo Seung-chan, Ahn Gyu-baek, Cho Kuk, Choo Mi-ae, Heo Young, and Hwang Hee.


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