
‘편스토랑’ 이찬원, 이상형 공개 “성격·취미 생활 잘 맞는 사람”

박동제 기자 l 기사입력 2024-09-05


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▲ KBS 2TV ‘편스토랑’ 이찬원, 이상형 공개

브레이크뉴스 박동제 기자= ‘편스토랑’ 측은 5일 “이찬원이 절친 황윤성을 위해 특별한 시간을 준비한다”고 밝혔다.


오는 6일 방송되는 KBS 2TV ‘신상출시 편스토랑’(이하 ‘편스토랑’)에서는 오랜만에 돌아온 찬또셰프 이찬원의 유쾌한 일상이 공개된다. 이찬원은 최근 전역한 절친 황윤성을 위해 제대 파티를 준비한다. 앞서 황윤성의 입대 파티도 직접 열어줬던 이찬원. 두 남자의 꿀이 뚝뚝 떨어지는 우정 플러팅 현장이 금요일 저녁 안방에 흐뭇한 웃음을 안겨줄 전망이다.


이날 공개되는 VCR 속 이찬원은 전날 스케줄을 마치고 새벽에 귀가, 달콤한 잠에 빠졌다. 이때 이찬원의 휴대전화가 울렸다. 이찬원은 발신인을 확인하더니 졸린 눈을 비비면서도 빙그레 웃었다. 전화를 받은 이찬원은 세상 다정한 목소리로 "밥 해줄게. 얼른 와. 같이 먹자"며 졸랐다.


잠시 후 초인종이 울리고 이찬원의 절친 황윤성이 등장했다. 최근 전역한 친구를 위해 황윤성 맞춤 취향저격 요리를 만들고 기다린 것. 이찬원은 꿀이 뚝뚝 떨어지는 눈빛으로 황윤성이 잘 먹는 모습을 바라보며 흐뭇해했고, 마치 엄마처럼 절친 황윤성을 챙겼다. 급기야 두 사람은 서로 먹여주는 우정 플러팅(?)까지 시전해 웃음을 줬다.


두 사람 사이의 진솔한 대화도 이어졌다. 이때 황윤성이 이찬원에게 이상형에 대해 물었다. 다정한 절친 이찬원의 이상형이 새삼 궁금했던 것. 


이찬원은 “전체적으로 나랑 잘 맞는 사람. 성격, 취미 생활이 잘 맞았으면 좋겠다”라고 답했다. 이에 황윤성은 이찬원의 절친으로서, 이찬원에게 딱 맞는 직업군을 콕 집어 추천해 ‘편스토랑’ 스튜디오을 술렁이게 했다. 절친 황윤성이 생각한 이찬원의 이상형은 무엇일까.


한편, 이날 방송에서 이찬원은 늘 고마운 친구지만 황윤성에게 섭섭했던 일을 솔직하게 털어놔 모두를 놀라게 한다. 과연 이찬원이 황윤성에게 섭섭함을 토로한 이유는 무엇일까. 황윤성은 어떤 반응을 보였을까. 두 친구의 달달한 우정을 확인할 수 있는 KBS 2TV ‘신상출시 편스토랑’은 오는 6일 금요일 저녁 8시 30분 방송된다.


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


‘Convenience Store Restaurant’ Lee Chan-won reveals his ideal type, “Someone whose personality and hobbies match well with his lifestyle”


On the 6th, Hwang Yoon-seong and his cheerful daily life will be revealed



Break News Park Dong-je reporter = On the 5th, ‘Convenience Store Restaurant’ announced, “Lee Chan-won is preparing a special time for his best friend Hwang Yoon-seong.”


On the KBS 2TV ‘New Release Convenience Store Restaurant’ (hereafter referred to as ‘Convenience Store Restaurant’) that will be aired on the 6th, the cheerful daily life of Chan-to Chef Lee Chan-won, who has returned after a long time, will be revealed. Lee Chan-won prepares a discharge party for his best friend Hwang Yoon-seong who was recently discharged from the military. Lee Chan-won previously threw Hwang Yoon-seong’s enlistment party himself. The sweet friendship plotting between the two men is expected to bring heartwarming laughter to the living room on Friday evening.


In the VCR that will be released that day, Lee Chan-won returned home at dawn after finishing his schedule the day before and fell into a sweet sleep. At that time, Lee Chan-won’s cell phone rang. Lee Chan-won checked the caller and smiled brightly while rubbing his sleepy eyes. Lee Chan-won, who received the call, nagged with a very affectionate voice, saying, “I’ll make you a meal. Come quickly. Let’s eat together.”


A moment later, the doorbell rang and Lee Chan-won’s best friend Hwang Yoon-seong appeared. He had prepared a dish tailored to Hwang Yoon-seong’s taste for his friend who had recently been discharged from the military and waited for him. Lee Chan-won was delighted to see Hwang Yoon-seong eating well with eyes dripping with honey, and he took care of his best friend Hwang Yoon-seong like a mother. Eventually, the two even showed off their friendship plot(?) by feeding each other, making everyone laugh.


A sincere conversation between the two continued. At this time, Hwang Yoon-seong asked Lee Chan-won about his ideal type. He was curious about the ideal type of his affectionate best friend Lee Chan-won.


Lee Chan-won answered, “Someone who fits me well overall. I hope our personalities and hobbies match well.” In response, Hwang Yoon-seong, as Lee Chan-won’s best friend, made the ‘Convenience Store Restaurant’ studio buzz by recommending a job that would fit Lee Chan-won perfectly. What is Lee Chan-won's ideal type according to his best friend Hwang Yoon-seong?


Meanwhile, on this day's broadcast, Lee Chan-won is always a grateful friend, but he honestly confesses the things that made him upset about Hwang Yoon-seong, surprising everyone. What on earth was the reason Lee Chan-won expressed his disappointment to Hwang Yoon-seong? How did Hwang Yoon-seong react? KBS 2TV's 'New Release Convenience Store Restaurant', where you can see the sweet friendship between the two friends, will air on Friday the 6th at 8:30 PM.




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