
윤 대통령 변호인단 "국방장관 직무대행, 엄정한 법적 책임 져야 할 것"

김기홍 기자 l 기사입력 2025-01-10


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▲ 5일 오전 서울 용산구 한남동 대통령 관저에서 경비인력들이 차벽이 세워진 관저 출입구로 향하고 있다.     © 뉴시스


윤석열 대통령 변호인단이 10일 김선호 국방차관(장관 직무대행)이 지난 3일 경호처에 "공수처 체포영장 집행을 저지하는 데 군 병력을 투입하는 건 맞지 않는다"는 입장을 전달한 것 관련해 "엄정한 법적 책임을 져야 할 것"이라고 밝혔다.


변호인단은 이날 오후 입장문에서 "이런 통보를 지시한 국방부 최고 책임자는 직무유기를 넘어 나라 안보를 해치는 반국가행위를 한 것'이라며 이같이 주장했다.


또 김 대행이 관저 외곽 경비 담당 육군 수도방위사령부 소속 55경비단 부대장에게 '경찰과의 물리적 충돌이 있어선 안 된다'는 지침을 내린 것에 대해선 "경비병력은 위법·부당한 지시를 따를 의무가 없다"며 "본연 임무에 충실하게 임해야 한다"고 했다.


더불어 대통령경호처 경호 업무 관련해선 "경호처장이 조사 마치고 복귀 시까지 규정에 따라 경호차장이 직무를 대행케 된다"고 전했다.


박종준 경호처장은 이날 오전 경찰 출석에 앞서 최상목 대통령 권한대행 경제부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관에게 사직서를 제출했다.


앞서 지난 6일 오전 윤 대통령 법률대리인단은 고위공직자범죄수사처(공수처)·경찰 등으로 구성된 공조수사본부 체포·수색영장 집행 시도 관련해 오동운 공수처장·이호영 경찰청 차장(경찰청장 직무대리)·김선호 국방장관 직무대행 등 11명을 서울중앙지검에 고발했다.  


이 차장·김 직무대행 경우 대통령경호법에 따른 경호처장의 관저 지역 인력 증원 요청 거부에 따른 직무유기·직권남용 혐의다.  


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.


President Yoon's Defense Team: "Acting Minister of National Defense Must Be Strictly Legally Responsible"

Acting Minister of National Defense Kim Seon-ho said to the Security Service on the 3rd, "It is not right to deploy military forces to block the execution of the Public Prosecutor's Office's arrest warrant." Defense team: "It is an anti-state act that harms national security."

-kihong Kim reporter


President Yoon Seok-yeol's legal team stated on the 10th that Vice Minister of National Defense Kim Seon-ho (acting minister) "must be held strictly legally accountable" for conveying his position to the Presidential Security Service on the 3rd that "it is not right to deploy military forces to block the execution of the Public Prosecutor's Office arrest warrant." 


The defense team claimed in a statement that afternoon, "The highest-ranking official in the Ministry of National Defense who ordered this notification went beyond dereliction of duty and committed an anti-state act that undermined national security."


In addition, regarding Acting President Kim's instruction to the commander of the 55th Security Brigade of the Army Capital Defense Command in charge of guarding the outside of the official residence that "there should be no physical clashes with the police," they said, "Security forces have no obligation to follow illegal or unfair instructions," and "they should faithfully carry out their original duties."


In addition, regarding the security work of the Presidential Security Service, they said, "Until the head of the Security Service completes the investigation and returns, the deputy head of the Security Service will act as his agent according to regulations."


Park Jong-joon, the head of the Security Service, submitted his resignation to Choi Sang-mok, Acting President and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategy and Finance, prior to appearing at the police station that morning.


Earlier on the morning of the 6th, President Yoon's legal team requested the Joint Investigation Headquarters, which consists of the Senior Civil Servants' Corruption Investigation Office (Public Prosecution Service) and the police, to be established. In relation to the attempted execution of arrest and search warrants, 11 people, including the Public Prosecutor General Oh Dong-woon, Deputy Commissioner General of the National Police Agency Lee Ho-young (Acting Commissioner General of the National Police Agency), and Acting Minister of National Defense Kim Seon-ho, were indicted at the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office.


In the case of Deputy Commissioner General Lee and Acting Commissioner General Kim, they are accused of dereliction of duty and abuse of power due to their refusal to increase personnel in the area of ​​the Presidential Security Service's residence in accordance with the Presidential Security Service Act.


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