
[인사] 전남 화순군

이학수기자 l 기사입력 2025-01-10


가 -가 +

▲ 전남 화순군청 전경    

◆ 4급


◇ 전보


▲ 가족정책실장 임경우(기획감사실장)


◆ 5급


◇ 승진


▲ 춘양면장 김경란(노인복지팀장) ▲ 산림과장 김선곤(산단지원팀장)


◇ 승진의결


▲ 보건행정과장 장복자(예산팀장) ▲ 능주면장 직무대리 최형주(화순읍 부읍장) ▲ 인허가과장 직무대리 박민종(도시재생팀장) 


◇ 전보


▲ 기획감사실장 김승오(홍보소통담당관) ▲ 홍보소통담당관 윤재관(고인돌사업소장) ▲ 재무과장 구현진(농촌활력과장) ▲ 고인돌사업소장 최기운(재무과장) ▲ 도암면장 정 선(백아면장)▲ 동복면장 최인환(능주면장) ▲ 백아면장 김두환(산림과장) ▲ 농촌활력과장 안진환(인허가과장) ▲ 행복민원과장 김순승(춘양면장)


◇ 파견 복귀


▲ 폐광지역진흥사업소장 이영문(자치행정과) / (화순=브레이크뉴스) 이학수 기자


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문] 입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.


[Personnel] Hwasun-gun, Jeollanam-do

Date 1/13/2025

◆ 4th grade

◇ Transfer

▲ Family Policy Director Lim Gyeong-woo (Planning and Audit Director)

◆ 5th grade

◇ Promotion

▲ Chunyang-myeon Mayor Kim Gyeong-ran (Elderly Welfare Team Leader) ▲ Forestry Division Director Kim Seon-gon (Industrial Complex Support Team Leader)

◇ Promotion Resolution

▲ Health Administration Division Director Jang Bok-ja (Budget Team Leader) ▲ Neungju-myeon Acting Mayor Choi Hyeong-ju (Hwasun-eup Deputy Mayor) ▲ Permit Division Acting Director Park Min-jong (Urban Regeneration Team Leader)

◇ Transfer

▲ Planning and Audit Division Director Kim Seung-oh (Public Relations and Communications Officer) ▲ Public Relations and Communications Officer Yoon Jae-gwan (Dolmen Project Director) ▲ Finance Division Director Gu Hyeon-jin (Rural Vitality Division Director) ▲ Dolmen Project Director Choi Gi-woon (Finance Division Director) ▲ Doam-myeon Mayor Jeong Seon (Baeka-myeon Mayor) ▲ Dongbok-myeon Mayor Choi In-hwan (Neungju-myeon chief) ▲ Baeka-myeon chief Kim Du-hwan (Forestry Division Chief) ▲ Rural Vitality Division Chief Ahn Jin-hwan (Permit Division Chief) ▲ Happiness Civil Affairs Division Chief Kim Sun-seung (Chunyang-myeon chief)

◇ Return to dispatch

▲ Closed Mine Area Promotion Office Director Lee Yeong-moon (Autonomous Administration Division) / (Hwasun=Break News) Reporter Lee Hak-su




원본 기사 보기:브레이크뉴스 전남


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