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브레이크뉴스 박동제 기자= 배우 최종남이 바쁜 2025년 행보를 시작했다.
고(故) 김수미의 유작 영화 ‘귀신경찰’(감독 김영준)에서 직급이 강등돼 지구대에서 근무하고 있는 신현준(민현준 역)의 상관인 지구대장 역을 맡은 최종남은 최근 용산 CGV에서 진행된 무대인사를 통해 관객들을 만났다.
강등되고 좌천한 부하를 비아냥거리고 눈칫밥을 주는 듯하지만 속마음은 누군가의 아버지이자 가장이며 아들인 민현준을 이해해주고 생각해주는 가슴 따뜻한 우리의 이웃, 큰형과 같은 모습을 연기를 통해 펼쳐보였다. 최종남은 “마음 따뜻한 극중 캐릭터 때문인지 많은 관객여러분들이 호응해 주셨다”며 고마움을 전했다.
지난해 12월 국회의사당 국회의원회관 대회의실에서 열린 ‘2024 베스트 K-브랜드 혁신포럼 & 어워즈’에서 ‘대한민국 방송문화스포츠 대상’을 수상한 최종남은 새해에도 바쁜 활동을 예고했다.
최신 촬영작 ‘즐거운 우리집’(감독 임경택, 제작 코탑미디어)에서는 딸에게 뺨 맞는 신을 20여 차례 반복할 정도로 고통(?)을 견디며 촬영을 마무리했지만 작품을 할 수 있다는 것만으로도 행복한 심경을 전했다. 대전유성온천에서 진행된 촬영을 통해 공개된 스틸컷에서는 공포영화로서 분위기와 다크서클이 진한 최종남 특유의 표정 연기가 어우러져 묘한 분위기가 연출됐다.
한일공동제작 영화에 주인공의 조력자로 캐스팅 돼 2월말 촬영을 앞둔 가운데, 3월에는 8부작 드라마 ‘위장이혼’ 출연을 앞두고 있어 바쁜 활동을 이어갈 예정이다.
최종남은 4일 소속사 다홍엔터테인먼트를 통해 “누군가에게 힘이 되고 위로가 될 수 있는 좋은 작품을 보여드리기 위해 제 연기에 공을 들이고 노력하겠다”고 새해 각오를 밝혔다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
‘Ghost Police’ Choi Jong-nam “I hope to be a source of strength and comfort to someone”.. 2025, a busy year
The late Kim Soo-mi’s last film, playing the role of the district chief in the play
Break News Park Dong-je reporter = Actor Choi Jong-nam has started his busy 2025.
Choi Jong-nam, who plays the role of the district chief, the superior of Shin Hyun-joon (played by Min Hyun-joon), who was demoted and is now working at the district in the late Kim Soo-mi’s last film ‘Ghost Police’ (directed by Kim Young-joon), recently met the audience through a stage greeting held at Yongsan CGV.
He seems to mock and give a cold shoulder to his demoted and demoted subordinate, but he is actually someone’s father and the head of the household, and he shows his warm-hearted neighbor and older brother-like appearance through his acting, understanding and caring for Min Hyun-joon, who is his son. Choi Jong-nam expressed his gratitude, saying, “I think it’s because of the warm-hearted character in the play, but many audiences responded positively.”
Choi Jong-nam, who won the ‘Republic of Korea Broadcasting Culture and Sports Grand Prize’ at the ‘2024 Best K-Brand Innovation Forum & Awards’ held in the National Assembly Hall Conference Room in December last year, announced that he will be busy in the new year as well.
In his latest film ‘Happy Home’ (directed by Lim Kyung-taek, produced by Kotop Media), he endured the pain(?) of being slapped by his daughter over 20 times while filming, but he conveyed his happiness just by being able to work on the film. In the still cuts released through the filming that took place at Daejeon Yuseong Hot Springs, the atmosphere of a horror movie and Choi Jong-nam’s signature facial expressions with dark circles under his eyes combined to create a strange atmosphere.
He is scheduled to continue his busy activities as he is cast as the main character’s assistant in a Korea-Japan joint production film and is scheduled to start filming at the end of February, and will appear in the 8-part drama ‘Fake Divorce’ in March.
On the 4th, Choi Jong Nam expressed his New Year's resolution through his agency Dahong Entertainment, saying, "I will work hard and put effort into my acting to show a good production that can be a source of strength and comfort to someone."