
윤 대통령 "비상식적 엉터리 투표지 많이 나와 선관위 계엄군 투입"

김기홍 기자 l 기사입력 2025-02-04


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▲ 윤석열 대통령이 4일 오후 서울 종로구 헌법재판소에서 열린 탄핵심판 5차 변론기일에 피청구인으로 출석해 발언하고 있다.  © 헌법재판소

윤석열 대통령이 4일 "2023년 10월 국가정보원으로부터 세 차례 걸쳐 선거관리위원회 전산시스템 점검한 것을 보고받았는데 정말 많이 부실하고 엉터리였다"고 밝혔다.


윤 대통령은 이날 오후 서울 종로구 헌법재판소 대심판정에서 열린 탄핵심판 5차 변론기일에 출석해 "선거 소송을 보고받으면 투표함을 개함했을 때 상식적으로 납득 안 가는 엉터리 투표지들이 많이 나왔다. 검찰에 있을 때부터 부정선거가 문제 있겠단 생각을 해 왔다"며 이같이 말했다.


그러면서 "김용현 전 국방장관에게 아마 금요일 11월 29, 30일쯤이었던 것 같은데 야당서 감사원장 탄핵 발의 얘기가 나오면서 계엄 이야기를 했다"며 "계엄하게 되면 법에 따라 계엄사가 계엄 지역 내에서 행정·사법사무를 관장하게 돼 있어 정부 부처·공공기관 같은데 계엄군이 들어갈 수 있다고 판단했다"고 설명했다.


이어 "(비상계엄 선포하면) 범죄수사 개념이 아닌 선관위에 들어가 국정원이 다 보지 못한 선관위 전산시스템이 어떤 게 있고 어떻게 가동되는지 스크리닝하라(고 지시해) 계엄군이 들어간 걸로 알고 있다"고 했다.


또 "방첩사·사이버사가 투입되는 줄 알았는데 정보사가 들어가고 나머지는 못 들어가고 돌아왔다는 보도를 계엄 해제 후 봤다"며 "김 전 장관에게 왜 정보사가 갔냐 물어보니 거기 IT 요원들이 실력이 있어 보냈다는 보고를 받았다"고 말했다.


더불어 "김 전 장관에겐 계엄 형식을 빌린 대국민 호소라 했지만 계엄 전 국무위원들에게는 그 이야기를 할 수 없었다"며 "김 전 장관도 사령관들에겐 곧 해제될 계엄이고 전체 군 투입은 얼마 안 된다는 이야기를 안 하고 대통령 선포에 따라 각자 맡은 업무를 매뉴얼대로 하다 보니 장관이 생각 이상의 조치를 준비했을 순 있다"고 했다.


윤 대통령은 "(선관위에) 어떤 시스템이 있는지 알아놔야 나중에 국정조사를 통해서든 봐야겠단 생각에 점검시킨 것"이라며 "제가 내린 지시는 (선관위에) 가 무슨 장비가 어떤 식으로 돌아가는지 알아보란 것이고 실제 서버 하드웨어·소프트웨어 압수한 게 전혀 없는 걸로 보고 받았다"고 말했다.


또 "그만큼 계엄은 신속히 해제됐기 때문에 아무 일도 안 일어났단 말씀을 드리고 싶다"고 말했다.


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.


President Yoon: "Martial Law Troops Deployed to Election Commission, Many Absurd and False Ballots Result"

Constitutional Court 5th Argument "Received a report on the National Election Commission's computer system being in disarray... Judgment that martial law forces can enter government ministries and public institutions in charge of administrative and judicial affairs within martial law areas according to the law"

-kihong Kim reporter 


President Yoon Seok-yeol said on the 4th, "I received a report from the National Intelligence Service on the National Election Commission's computer system inspection three times in October 2023, and it was really poorly done and sloppy."


President Yoon attended the fifth impeachment trial hearing held at the Constitutional Court in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of that day and said, "When I was briefed on the election lawsuit, many ballots that were absurd and defy common sense came out when the ballot boxes were opened," and "I have thought that there was a problem with election fraud since I was in the prosecution."


He then said, "I talked to former Minister of National Defense Kim Yong-hyun on Friday, November 29 or 30, when the opposition party was talking about impeaching the Chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection, and I talked about martial law," and explained, "If martial law is declared, the martial law command is supposed to oversee administrative and judicial affairs within the martial law area according to the law, so I judged that martial law troops could enter government ministries and public institutions."


He continued, “(If martial law is declared) I understand that martial law troops were sent in because they were ordered to go into the National Election Commission, not the concept of criminal investigation, and screen what computer systems the National Intelligence Service has that it has not seen and how they are operating.”


He also said, “I thought the Counterintelligence Corps and Cyber ​​Corps would be deployed, but I saw a report after martial law was lifted that the Intelligence Corps went in and the rest were not able to go in and returned,” and “When I asked former Minister Kim why the Intelligence Corps went, I was told that the IT agents there were skilled and sent.”


He also said, “I told former Minister Kim that it was an appeal to the people in the form of martial law, but I couldn’t tell the State Council members about it before martial law,” and “Former Minister Kim didn’t tell the commanders that martial law would be lifted soon and that the entire military would not be deployed, and since they were each doing their assigned work according to the manual according to the presidential declaration, the Minister may have prepared more measures than expected.”


President Yoon said, "I checked (the National Election Commission) because I thought I needed to find out what kind of system they had so I could look into it later through a state audit," and added, "My instructions were to (the National Election Commission) to find out what kind of equipment they had and how it was operating, and I was informed that no actual server hardware or software was seized." 


He also said, "I want to tell you that martial law was lifted quickly enough, so nothing happened."





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