
헌재 5차 변론, 여인형 "군 체계상 대통령 지시라 하는 경우 거의 없어"

김기홍 기자 l 기사입력 2025-02-04


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▲ 23일 오후 2시 서울 종로구 헌법재판소 탄핵심판 대심판정에서 열린 윤석열 대통령 4차 변론기일.     © 뉴시스


4일 윤석열 대통령 헌법재판소 탄핵심판 5차 변론 증인심문에서 여인형 전 국군방첩사령관은 "사령관으로 누구에게 말할 때 대통령 지시라 말한 경우는 거의 없다"고 말했다.


이날 오후 서울 종로구 헌재 대심판정에서 열린 윤 대통령 5차 변론기일 증인심문 두 번째 증인으로 나선 여 전 사령관은 '정성우 전 방첩사 1처장에 대통령 지시라 말한 적 있느냐'란 국회 측 김정민 변호사 질문에 이같이 답했다.


그러면서 "상식적으로 생각하면 대통령은 국군통수권자고 굉장히 높으신 분"이라며 "장관님 말씀을 전하면 전했지 대통령께서 이렇게 말씀하셨다고 밑에까지 내려가는 건 군 체계상 그런 식으로 지시않는다"고 답했다.


또 비상계엄 선포 전 김용현 전 국방장관과의 논의 과정에서 '식탁을 치며 고성이 오갔다는 진술을 구체적으로 말해달라'고 하자 "계엄 관련 소신을 말하면서 언성이 올라간 사실이 있다"고 답했다.


앞서 검찰 조사에선 여 전 사령관은 '지난해 11월 30일 김 전 장관과 한남동 관저에서 만나 계엄 실시가 불가피하다 말했고 만류하는 과정에서 언성이 높아졌다'고 진술한 것으로 알려졌다.


여 전 사령관은 이와 관련해 "다소 고성이 오간 건 사실"이라면서도 "언성이 올라간거지 상식적으로 3성 장군이 장관한테 (고성지르고) 그렇게 하진 못한다"고 답했다.


김 변호사가 '식탁을 내리친 건 사실이냐'고 묻자 "내리친 것도 작금으로 해석하면 그렇게 보일 수 있으나 저는 3성 장군이고 (김용현 장관은) 장관이니 상식적으로 이해해 달라"고 했다.


윤 대통령 법률대리인단 송진호 변호사가 "국회 울타리도 가지 못했던 증인 부대가 대단한 체포 작전을 벌인 것처럼 왜곡 보도되는 게 억울하지 않나"라고 묻자 "국군통수권자가 내린 비상계엄이란 명시적이고 공개적 명령을 따르지 않은 군인은 제가 알기론 없다"고 답했다.


그러면서 "당시 방첩사령관 책임자로 정말 안타까운 심정이었고 국민들에게 변명하는 게 아니다"며 "구체적으로 지시를 어떤 마음으로 어떤 신중한 자세로 (이행)했는지 구분해 생각해달라"고 했다.


이어 "우리는 다 군인이다. 형제·자매·아들·딸도 군인이다. 상식을 갖고 있다"며 "만일 책임을 묻는다면 사령관들에게만 물어달라. 제 밑에 부하들이 무슨 책임 있나. 정말 선처를 간곡하게 호소드린다"고 했다.


또 홍장원 전 국가정보원 제1차장 언론 인터뷰 관련해선 "두 가지가 이상했다. 제가 밤 10시 40분경 통화에서 '국회는 경찰과 협조하면서 봉쇄하고 있다. 체포조가 나가 있다'고 얘기했다고 홍 전 차장이 언론 인터뷰를 했더라"며 "방첩사 요원들 출동 시간은 그로부터 2시간 후인 새벽 1시다. 2시간 전 홍 전 차장과 그런 대화를 했을 것 같진 않다"고 답했다.


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.


Constitutional Court 5th Argument, Yeo In-hyeong: "There are almost no cases of presidential orders in the military system"

Former Chief of Counterintelligence Command: "I relayed the Minister's words, but it is not possible to pass it on to lower-level officials just because the President said something like that, as it is not in the military system... Two things were strange about Hong Jang-won's media interview."

-kihong Kim reporter 


On the 4th, at the 5th impeachment trial of President Yoon Seok-yeol, former commander of the Armed Forces Counterintelligence Command Yeo In-hyeong said, "As a commander, I rarely said that I had ordered the president when speaking to someone."


On the afternoon of the same day, former commander Yeo, who appeared as the second witness at the 5th trial of President Yoon held at the Constitutional Court in Jongno-gu, Seoul, answered this question from National Assembly lawyer Kim Jeong-min, "Did you ever say that former 1st Counterintelligence Command Director Jeong Seong-woo had ordered the president?"


He then said, "If you think about it logically, the president is the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces and is a very high-ranking person," and "If the minister said something, I would have said it, but in the military system, it is not like that to go down to the lower levels just because the president said something like that."


Also, when asked to "tell me specifically about the statement that there was a loud bang on the table and shouting during discussions with former Minister of National Defense Kim Yong-hyun before the declaration of martial law," he answered, "There was a time when my voice went up while I was talking about my beliefs related to martial law."


In the previous prosecution investigation, it was reported that former Commander Yeo stated, "On November 30th of last year, I met former Minister Kim at the Hannam-dong residence and told him that martial law was inevitable, and in the process of trying to dissuade him, his voice got louder."


Regarding this, former Commander Yeo responded, "It is true that there was some shouting," but added, "It is common sense that a three-star general would not do something like (shouting) at a minister."


When Attorney Kim asked, "Is it true that you slammed the table?", he said, "If you interpret it in today's terms, it may seem that way, but I am a three-star general and (Minister Kim Yong-hyun) is a minister, so please understand it with common sense."


When Attorney Song Jin-ho of President Yoon's legal team asked, "Isn't it unfair that the witness unit that couldn't even get to the National Assembly fence is being distorted as if they were carrying out a great arrest operation?", he responded, "As far as I know, there is no soldier who did not follow the explicit and public order of martial law given by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces."


He said, "As the head of the Counterintelligence Command at the time, I feel truly sorry and I am not making excuses to the public," and asked, "Please think about what kind of mind and careful attitude I had when (carrying out) the orders."


He continued, "We are all soldiers. My brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters are also soldiers. We have common sense," and added, "If you are going to hold me accountable, please only hold the commanders accountable. What responsibility do my subordinates have? I earnestly appeal for leniency."


Regarding the media interview with former First Vice Director of the National Intelligence Service Hong Jang-won, he said, "Two things were strange. Former Vice Director Hong said in a media interview that I said in a phone call around 10:40 p.m., 'The National Assembly is being sealed off in cooperation with the police. An arrest team is out there. '" He added, "The time the Counterintelligence Command agents were dispatched was 1:00 a.m., two hours later. It is unlikely that I had such a conversation with former Vice Director Hong two hours ago."


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